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Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Changing Media Landscape - Did You Know 4.0

Facts and stats focusing on the changing media landscape, including convergence and technology.

For further information and the story behind the making of "Did You Know 4.0" visit:
The Economist

Monday, September 14, 2009 - CO2 Awareness Tool

An online CO2 converter built by David Kjelkerud, Henrik Berggren and Jorge Zapico at Ecomo09, an environmental hacking day in London. It is designed to help you more easily understand what a kilogram of CO2 really means.

You can convert CO2 amounts to other units such as bottles of beer or compare different emissions for instance how many apples are equivalent to a litre of milk. The data used is mostly localized to Sweden.

David and Henrick also built the web app that lets you listen to the latest music from cities around the world.

Posted via web from David Holmes